Intended audience
  • Current software engineers seeking information for their own job search or negotation.
  • People curious about the compensation in software engineering in the US ("tier 3").
Origin My work history.
Mood Tentatively helpful but wary.

Compensation history

Some others have shared their compensation in the software engineering market. For the same reasons, I’m making mine available at this Google Sheets link. I consider this information somewhat sensitive, so you’ll have to request access.

In the trimodal salary model, having worked in the US in big tech and now finance, I rank well into “tier 3”. Thus, this information is most useful for those negotiating with tier 3 companies.

  • In big tech, compensation is usually awarded in the form of salary, stock (RSUs), and a yearly performance-based bonus.
  • In finance, compensation is usually awarded in the form of salary and a yearly performance-based bonus.

If you have questions about compensation or negotiation as a software engineer in the US, you can find my contact information here.
