My ideal blogging platform is Google Docs, because it supports the following:

  • Live collaboration.
  • Leaving inline comments on the text, rather than in a separate area.
  • Suggesting inline edits. What a low-friction way to apply incremental improvements!
    • For this reason, I also prefer Wikis to Git when it comes to writing documentation, because the barrier to entry is much lower.

Unfortunately, Google Docs isn’t particularly accessible:

  • It seems to not be indexable by search engines?
  • Requires Javascript.
  • Requires Google, which some people are opposed to, for privacy reasons.

So I don’t publish my blog posts that way.

But in the era of hypermedia, these features ought to be standard! We ought to have discussions, not fling articles into the void!

Medium used to show inline comments, but doesn’t anymore (not that I am particularly keen to publish on Medium). I haven’t seen many other blogs that invite discussion via interactive features.

I was once reading Real World OCaml while its second edition was in draft. After each sentence, it had a link to leave a comment. Now that’s a way to write a book! Why should a literal book be more interactive than our blogs?

Perish not this blog

As of recently, you can leave inline comments on paragraphs on my blog by hovering/tapping and clicking the “Comment” link that appears.

  • Other solutions:
    • Disqus
      • Already used for comments on this blog, although it’s a little shady with respect to cookie usage.
    • These alternatives require spawning a comment thread for each commentable paragraph.
      • The UIs are not designed to be compact, so they didn’t fit into the flow of the blog well. You’d have a massive comment form for each paragraph.
      • This would induce unnecessary load on the commenting servers, which is a little rude to them.
      • This would make the page load more slowly as it queries n comment threads.
    • You could take inspiration from a project like SideComments.js.
  • My implementation unfortunately relies on GitHub as the authentication provider and database. I’m sure many readers won’t have GitHub accounts.
    • That was the easiest way for me to implement it.
    • The GitHub API is expressive enough to query all of the comments for a document in a single request.
    • The GitHub API doesn’t need authentication or an API key to make requests!
      • Presumably you’ll be rate-limited more aggressively than if you were authenticated.
    • Opening a new GitHub Issues page to leave your comment is clumsy.
    • In retrospect, perhaps I should have used GitHub discussions instead of GitHub Issues as the backing store, since they’re… discussions.
  • Paragraphs are identified using the post permalink/”slug” and by taking the first few normalized bytes of data in the paragraph and encoding as base64.
    • In theory, paragraph IDs therefore aren’t stable if the content changes later, but it seems like a minor problem.
  • Here’s the implementation at the time of this writing (137 lines of code): github-comment-links.js.
    • Modern browser APIs make querying the GitHub API quite simple.
